Baoshan goes all out for breeding of sci-tech innovation and transformation of sci-tech innovative achievements
Source: Shanghaibaoshan Author: Public Time: 2024-04-23 14:26


On the morning of April 7, the 2024 Baoshan District Science and Technology Innovation Promotion Conference was held, bringing together innovation resources from all parties, better undertaking national strategic scientific and technological strength, stimulating source vitality for Baoshan's scientific and technological innovation and development, promoting achievements to yield positive results, and better optimizing the science and technology innovation ecology in the district.Luo Dajin, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Shanghai Science and Technology Work Committee and Director of the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Han Zhiqiang, Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of Shanghai Association for Science and Technology, Liu Changsheng, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of Shanghai University, Jin Haiyan, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Fudan University, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhao Dongyuan, Director of Shanghai Wusong Materials Laboratory, Tan Ruicong, Deputy Director of the Yangtze River Delta National Innovation Center and Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Shanghai Yangtze River Delta Technology Innovation Research Institute, Deng Xiaodong, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Baoshan District Committee and Acting District Mayor of Baoshan, Lu Yiyi, Deputy Secretary of the CPC District Committee, Xu Jing and Wang Nan, Members of the Standing Committee of the CPC Baoshan District Committee, and others attended.


At the event, the participating leaders jointly pressed the accelerator button for the high-level construction of the main position of the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center.


Luo Dajin pointed out that the construction of Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center is leaping from “building a framework” to “strong functions”, and has entered a new stage in which innovation vitality continues to burst out and innovation achievements continue to emerge.As a pioneer in Shanghai’s innovation and development, Baoshan District actively adapts to the changes in the paradigm of scientific and technological innovation, and strives to create a sample of modern transformation in the new era, featuring the trend of scientific and technological innovation accelerating the expansion to the whole chain, leading high-end industries to focus on sub-tracks, and key sectors accelerating disruptive remolding.It is hoped that Baoshan will embark on a new path to lead regional transformation relying on technological innovation, do a good job in the integration of technology, industry, and urban development, and play a greater role and achieve greater development in accelerating the construction of a technological innovation center with global influence in Shanghai.


Deng Xiaodong pointed out that at present, Baoshan is accelerating the construction of its main position of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center, striving to achieve high-level scientific and technological innovation to empower the “six major industries” and promote the development in “three dimensions”.Baoshan District will continue to lay out the whole chain, take the initiative, and continuously optimize the layout around the breeding of innovation, accelerate the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, and empower the development of the industrial chain; it will continue to innovate in multiple fields, win tough battles, and better promote the development of industrial chain clusters; it will better empower the new ecology, enhance soft power, continue to build a scientific and technological innovation ecosystem with a high concentration of innovative elements and efficient circulation, and provide hard support for technological innovation with the soft power of the scientific and technological innovation ecology.


The Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality signed an agreement for a round of new strategic cooperation with Baoshan District.

The two parties will focus on the requirements of cultivating and developing new quality productive forces, strengthen the linkage between the municipality and Baoshan District, and continuously strengthen the joint efforts of science and technology innovation, coordinate resource layout, accelerate the introduction of functions, and continue to provide strong support for the development of Baoshan’s Northern Transformation from the four aspects of scientific and technological innovation breeding function, industrial technology innovation system, scientific and technological governance capacity building, and scientific and technological innovation ecology creation.


At the conference, 8 Baoshan “Innovative Partner” institutions were awarded licenses.


Shanghai Wusong Fubao Materials Laboratory Co., Ltd., Shanghai University-Wusong Materials Laboratory Joint Research Institute, and Shanghai University-Baoshan Quantum Technology Industry Joint Cultivation Center were officially unveiled.


Awards were presented to Baoshan’s “Science and Technology Innovation Industry Star” in 2023.


Licenses were awarded to 8 “investment first, shares afterwards” projects that have been registered and implemented in 2023.

Daring to blaze new trails, Baoshan District is among the first batch of local government entities in China and the only local government entities in Shanghai to unveil the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology’s scientific and technological achievements commercialization “investment first, shares afterwards” innovation and reform pilots.In the past two years, the “investment first, shares afterwards” mode has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. Nearly 120 projects have been selected at various levels, and 16 projects have been approved, with the support fund exceeding 100 million yuan.


At the conference, Baoshan’s “investment first, shares afterwards” projects signed the first batch of share transfer agreements.


The first batch of seven proof-of-concept centers in Baoshan District were awarded licenses.

In 2023, Baoshan released Shanghai’s first district-level proof-of-concept center management measures, taking the initiative to “take a step forward” to solve the “first mile” problem of early scientific research results technology and commercial verification, and effectively promote the commercialization of innovative achievements.


At the event, awards were presented to the winning projects of the 5th Baoshan Cup College Student Innovation Competition 2023.


Shanghai Synthetic Biology Innovation Center and Baoshan High-tech Park signed a contract on the project of “Shanghai International Synthetic Biology Innovation Center-High-value Molecular Transformation Platform”.


SIMIC Holdings Co., Ltd. signed a contract with Dachang Town, Baoshan District on the “SIMIC Baoshan Incubator” project.



The founders of 6 companies, including Shanghai Jinguan Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Crylink Technology Co., Ltd., Sushui New Materials (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Eieling Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Finsense Technology Co., Ltd., Panxin Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., made their first show of scientific and technological achievements.

Enterprises are the pioneers and main forces of technological innovation and industrial development. They need to seize market segments, master key technologies, and open up a winning track with scientific and technological innovation.In the past year, many “firsts”, “innovative”, and “creative” have emerged in various industries in Baoshan, which are expected to lead the development of the industries.


At the conference, Fosun Diagnostic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. released the medical device (in vitro diagnostics) innovation consortium research plan, Shanghai Baoji Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. released the synthetic biology (recombinant drug) innovation consortium research plan, and Yunlu Composites (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. released the new material (high-performance fiber composite material) innovation consortium research plan.

Driven by leading technology companies, Baoshan has accelerated the construction of exploration and innovation consortiums, completing the establishment and filing of the first batch of innovation consortiums with “demand-led, scientific research collaboration, institute-enterprise cooperation, and industrial integration”.


The top ten innovative application scenarios in Baoshan District in 2024 were released at the event.

Baoshan District actively explores the needs of enterprises and sorts out a series of innovative applications in key areas such as people’s livelihood services, urban governance, education and health. The ten application scenarios released this time aim to build a government-enterprise cooperation platform, promote the docking of supply and demand through the opening of scenarios, and accelerate the improvement of the construction efficiency of smart city application scenarios.


Scientific and technological innovation is a “key variable” to promote social development. To turn this “variable” into an “increment”, the most important thing is to promote the commercialization and application of scientific and technological achievements.In recent years, Baoshan has twice unveiled the list of national innovation and reform pilots by aggregating six empowerment systems of space ecology, achievement transformation, financial support, business environment, technology services, and digital empowerment, and bringing together innovative elements such as policy, finance, technology, and talents. It has continuously and accurately “fertilized” the district’s “six major industries”, promoted the transfer, transformation, and industrialization of cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, promotef the supplementary and strong chains of leading industries, and introduced and cultivated a number of high-quality enterprises and cutting-edge projects.

There is no end to creation, and we are always moving towards new achievements.At present, Baoshan is focusing on the six major industries of cruise tourism, green and low-carbon industry, biomedicine and synthetic biology, robotics and intelligent manufacturing, new materials, and new-generation information technology, accelerating the high-end transformation of advantageous industries and the large-scale development of emerging industries. It is accelerating the iterative upgrade from “consolidating basic functions” to “building core functions”, promoting scientific and technological innovation to accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces, striving to accumulate strength and create conditions for the development of “leading all the way” with innovation “one step ahead”, and accelerate the construction of Shanghai, and playing a greater role and achieving greater development in the process of a globally influential technological innovation center.

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